2017年6月1日 星期四

Dream catcher

Dream catch. Yarn,leather,metal ring,feathers,beads,sinew. 42cmx18cm. 2017

          This is the second artwork I did. This is call dream catcher. It means parents want their children have good dream. I used the yarn,leather,metal ring,feathers,beads and sinew. I think is difficult to use this to hold the yarn on the metal ring. It hard and hurt. I need to remember the way I made this. Because if I did wrong, it is not beautiful. But how did the parents design this? How do they know this?
          First, I will hold the metal ring and use the glue let the yarn be stable. Then I wrapped the yarn. Second, I will use the line to make some do some tricks, like the flowers. Finally, I will find the pom pom and feathers to let it see beautiful.
          This just a culture of a country. They are from south Canada. They hope their children have a good dream. I think is every good and I hope my family have a good dream so I choose this.



Artist Statement

         In this semester, I tried to make the artwork and let it seem beautiful in the art class. I think I am very happy. Although I felt...